Friday, October 2, 2009

so about that every week thing . . .

I owe everyone an apology, yes, to all four of my dedicated followers, that I have neglected to put up a new post. Well here is the long anticipated blog. So as it is late and I am very tired, I will try to keep it short. lets start with the list.

1. Coolest Dude of the Week - Randall Wilhite (He paid me to do this. You see, if you pay me I will make you cool.)
2. The thing I Hate Most (at the current moment) - money. (I know. I know. I just said i would make you cool if you paid me.) I mean really if it wasnt for money . . . nevermind its not worth it. He he he.
3. Favorite song of the week- "Chinese Children" By Devendra Banhart
4. Dumb-ass of the week- George Bush. Well earned. If only words could describe . . . tool would be a good one I believe.
5. Coolest Indie Artist of the Week- Adam Taylor. Brother of Chad Taylor from LIVE, Adam's "Play the Piano Drunk" is a very impressive first album. check it out.
6. Best Read (Book) of the Week- "War and Peace" Leo Tolstoy's daunting 1,500 page novel is timeless and poignant making its way to the top of my all time favorite book list . . .
1. War and Peace - Tolstoy
2. Dr. Zhivago- Boris Pasternak
3. Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling
4. Evangeline- H.W. Longfellow
5. The Chronicles of Narnia- C.s. Lewis

Now on the bottom of my most hated books list, Stephanie Meyer's "Eclipse" wins the prize.
My cousin Allison disagrees . . .
duh duh duh!
BLOG WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starting as soon as she graces us with a blog. Read her blog btw, its rather good. Even for someone who likes Twilight.

Adam Taylor's "Painting the lepersy"


  1. I CANNOT believe you just misspelled my name. IAN.


    it's on.



  2. GOOD NEWS! My previous comments didn't post. Thought you should know. Ha ha ha!!

  3. I didn't pay you. I gave you a watermelon last summer and let you sleep in the house. That's not pay, that's just being decent.

    Keep making me person of the week, though, and maybe next year you won't have to catch your own food. Maybe.

  4. W r i t e s o m e t h i n g ! ! !

